Video of the Polar Enterprise tanker carrying Alaskan Crude Oil for Conoco Phillips.
Polar Enterprise, an 895-foot crude oil tanker managed by Conoco Phillips, arrives at Richmond Long Wharf, a Chevron refinery dock that can handle up to four tankers and/or barges at once. She’s inbound from a previous stop at the Port of Long Beach. After here, she’ll be retuning to Valdez to take on more crude for another West Coast delivery.
A larger tanker like this is a lot to handle. On the approach to San Francisco Bay, she’s taken on a San Francisco Bar Pilot, an expert in the local waterways. This ship is piloted by Unit 17, Captain Eric Weber. And to help maneuver, make tighter turns, stay within the shipping lanes, and maintain control at slower speeds inside the Bay, she’s assisted by three harbor assist tugs: Foss Maritime Alta June and Leisa Florence, and AmNav Maritime Patricia Ann.
Thanks to some fortunate social media connections, I’ve learned that this vessel’s masters are, I believe, Captain Chuck Rowland and Captain Roger Ross, who presumably tag-team, working weeks or months at a shift, trading off with one another. Ship work is demanding! I’ve heard also from Jake Merk, a 2nd Mate with Polar, and Chris Cochran, who’s in the engine room on this ship. Thanks, guys, it’s been fun hearing from you all, and knowing you like the video!
This video was entirely shot on a DJI Mavic 3 Pro drone.